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(based on 4 reviews)

We offer high-quality personal growth resources in both English and Spanish. Our resources are carefully designed to engage students and are user-friendly, which helps teachers save time. They are all set to connect knowledge to students' real lives.




We offer high-quality personal growth resources in both English and Spanish. Our resources are carefully designed to engage students and are user-friendly, which helps teachers save time. They are all set to connect knowledge to students' real lives.
Mentalidad de Crecimiento - O - Metro

Mentalidad de Crecimiento - O - Metro

Invita a tus estudiantes a utilizar un mazo mágico y poner a prueba su capacidad para elevar el disco de metal hasta la campana grande para determinar si poseen una Mentalidad de Crecimiento Poderosa. El Crecimiento - O - Metro es un juego increíble para interactuar con los estudiantes. Los niños leen y contemplan sus pensamientos, actitudes y comportamientos. Los estudiantes evalúan su nivel de fortaleza y se automotivan para luchar por una mentalidad poderosa. Esta actividad es PERFECTA para establecer objetivos o hacer compromisos con los estudiantes, ayudando a su crecimiento y mejora. Este recurso incluye: Una Ficha Mentalidad de Crecimiento - O - Metro "------------------------- ★Related Resources: Descarga la Versión en Inglés --------------------------" "------------------------- ★You may like this COLLECTION: Mentalidad de Crecimiento Collection BUNDLE --------------------------" ¡Disfruta de los beneficios de fomentar la cultura de mentalidad de crecimiento en tu clase!
Solución de Problemas Sociales - Tema del Mapache (SPANISH VERSION)

Solución de Problemas Sociales - Tema del Mapache (SPANISH VERSION)

Queremos asegurarnos que los estudiantes están preparados para afrontar los retos escolares diarios. En nuestras clases, dedicamos mucho tiempo a enseñarles a resolver sus propios problemas para que sean más autosuficientes. Esta actividad se centra en la resolución de problemas en un entorno escolar, lo que permite a los estudiantes cultivar sus habilidades sociales a través de debates en torno a una serie de situaciones a las que se enfrenta un adorable y entrañable personaje “mapache”. La base de la resolución de problemas radica en la empatía, y este valioso recurso ayuda a sus hijos a desarrollar la capacidad de comprender las perspectivas de los demás cuando se enfrentan a conflictos o dificultades. Utilizando un sencillo proceso de 5 pasos, los estudiantes aprenden a abordar eficazmente los problemas, lo que les lleva a tomar mejores decisiones. Sus estudiantes tienen la oportunidad de expresar sus emociones en un escenario específico, al tiempo que consideran cómo podría sentirse otra persona cuando se enfrenta a las mismas circunstancias. Este recurso es ideal para conmemorar el Día Internacional del Mapache. Este recurso incluye: Ayudemos a Resolver Problemas (crear un personaje) Identificando los Problemas del Mapache I Identificando los Problemas del Mapache II Pasos para Resolver Problemas Ayuda al Mapache a Resolver Problemas en la Escuela Resolviendo mis Problemas "------------------------------ Download More Versions Descarga la Versión en Inglésl -------------------------------" "------------------------------ ★ Related resources: Solución de Problemas Sociales Presentación PowerPoint (Tema del Mapache) Solución de Problemas Sociales - Tema del Mapache - Google Slides Viaje a la Solución de Problemas Sociales - Tema del Mapache -------------------------------" "------------------------------ ★ You may like these resources: Auto-Respeto - Tema el Zorro Honestidad - Tema el Panda Patience - Turtle Craft Patience - Turtle Theme Solución de Problemas Sociales - Tema del Mapache Responsabilidad - Tema el Conejo Tolerancia - Tema el Oso Viaje a la Solución de Problemas Sociales - Tema del Mapache -----------------------------"
Social Problem Solving - Raccoon Theme BUNDLE

Social Problem Solving - Raccoon Theme BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of Social Problem Solving - Raccoon Theme. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms and schools! This activity centers around problem-solving within a school setting, enabling students to cultivate their social skills through discussions surrounding a range of situations encountered by an adorable and endearing “raccoon” character. The foundation of problem-solving lies in empathy, and this valuable resource aids your children in developing the capacity to comprehend the perspectives of others when confronted with conflicts or difficulties. By utilizing a straightforward 5-step process, students learn how to effectively address problems, leading them to make improved decisions. Your students have the opportunity to express their emotions within a specific scenario while also considering how someone else might feel when confronted with the same circumstances. This resource is an ideal choice to commemorate International Raccoon Appreciation Day! The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: Let’s Help Solve Problems - creating a character (English and Spanish Version) Identifying the Raccoon Problems I (English and Spanish Version) Identifying the Raccoon Problems II (English and Spanish Version) Problem Solving Steps (English and Spanish Version) Help the Raccoon Solve Problems at School (English and Spanish Version) Solving My Problems (English and Spanish Version) Happy International Raccoon Appreciation Day!
Social Problem Solving - Raccoon Theme - Google Slides BUNDLE

Social Problem Solving - Raccoon Theme - Google Slides BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of Social Problem Solving - Raccoon Theme - Google Slides. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms and schools! This activity centers around problem-solving within a school setting, enabling students to cultivate their social skills through discussions surrounding a range of situations encountered by an adorable and endearing “raccoon” character. The foundation of problem-solving lies in empathy, and this valuable resource aids your children in developing the capacity to comprehend the perspectives of others when confronted with conflicts or difficulties. By utilizing a straightforward 5-step process, students learn how to effectively address problems, leading them to make improved decisions. Your students have the opportunity to express their emotions within a specific scenario while also considering how someone else might feel when confronted with the same circumstances. An ideal choice to commemorate International Raccoon Appreciation Day! These resources offer an easy manual to help parents and kids to draw or use shapes to complete this adorable activity. The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: Slide 1: Let’s Help Solve Problems - Creating a Character (English and Spanish Version) Slide 2: Identifying the Raccoon Problems I (English and Spanish Version) Slide 3: Identifying the Raccoon Problems II (English and Spanish Version) Slide 4: Problem Solving Steps (English and Spanish Version) Slide 5: Help the Raccoon Solve Problems at School (English and Spanish Version) Slide 6: Solving My Problems (English and Spanish Version) Happy International Raccoon Appreciation Day!
Solución de Problemas Sociales - Tema del Mapache - Google Slides (SPANISH VERSION)

Solución de Problemas Sociales - Tema del Mapache - Google Slides (SPANISH VERSION)

Queremos asegurarnos que los estudiantes están preparados para afrontar los retos escolares diarios. En nuestras clases, dedicamos mucho tiempo a enseñarles a resolver sus propios problemas para que sean más autosuficientes. Esta actividad se centra en la resolución de problemas en un entorno escolar, lo que permite a los estudiantes cultivar sus habilidades sociales a través de debates en torno a una serie de situaciones a las que se enfrenta un adorable y entrañable personaje “mapache”. La base de la resolución de problemas radica en la empatía, y este valioso recurso ayuda a sus hijos a desarrollar la capacidad de comprender las perspectivas de los demás cuando se enfrentan a conflictos o dificultades. Utilizando un sencillo proceso de 5 pasos, los estudiantes aprenden a abordar eficazmente los problemas, lo que les lleva a tomar mejores decisiones. Sus estudiantes tienen la oportunidad de expresar sus emociones en un escenario específico, al tiempo que consideran cómo podría sentirse otra persona cuando se enfrenta a las mismas circunstancias. Este recurso es ideal para conmemorar el Día Internacional del Mapache. Este recurso ofrece un manual fácil para ayudar a las familias y a los niños a dibujar o a usar formas para completar esta hermosa actividad. Este recurso incluye: Diapositiva 1: Ayudemos a Resolver Problemas (crear un personaje) Diapositiva 2: Identificando los Problemas del Mapache en la Escuela (Parte 1) Diapositiva 3: Identificando los Problemas del Mapache en la Escuela (Parte 2) Diapositiva 4: Pasos para Resolver Problemas Diapositiva 5: Ayuda al Mapache a Resolver Problemas en la Escuela Diapositiva 6: Resolviendo mis Problemas "----------------------------- Download More Versions Descarga la Versión en Inglés -------------------------------" "------------------------------ ★ Related resources: Solución de Problemas Sociales Presentación PowerPoint (Tema del Mapache) Solución de Problemas Sociales - Tema del Mapache (SPANISH VERSION) Viaje a la Solución de Problemas Sociales - Tema del Mapache -------------------------------" ¡Feliz Día Internacional del Aprecio al Mapache!
Social Problem Solving - Raccoon Theme - Google Slides

Social Problem Solving - Raccoon Theme - Google Slides

We want to make sure our students are prepared to handle daily school challenges. In our classes, we spend a lot of time teaching kids how to solve their own problems so they’re more self-sufficient. This activity centers around problem-solving within a school setting, enabling students to cultivate their social skills through discussions surrounding a range of situations encountered by an adorable and endearing “raccoon” character. The foundation of problem-solving lies in empathy, and this valuable resource aids your children in developing the capacity to comprehend the perspectives of others when confronted with conflicts or difficulties. By utilizing a straightforward 5-step process, students learn how to effectively address problems, leading them to make improved decisions. Your students have the opportunity to express their emotions within a specific scenario while also considering how someone else might feel when confronted with the same circumstances. An ideal choice to commemorate International Raccoon Appreciation Day! This resource offers an easy manual to help parents and kids to draw or use shapes to complete this amazing and beautiful activity. This resource includes: Slide 1: Let’s Help Solve Problems (Creating a Character) Slide 2: Identifying the Raccoon Problems I Slide 3: Identifying the Raccoon Problems II Slide 4: Problem Solving Steps Slide 5: Help the Raccoon Solve Problems at School Slide 6: Solving My Problems "------------------------------ Download More Versions Download the Spanish Version ------------------------------" "----------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Social Problem Solving PowerPoint Presentation (Raccoon Theme) Social Problem Solving - Raccoon Theme Social Problem Solving Journey - Raccoon Theme -----------------------------" Happy International Raccoon Appreciation Day!
Red Ribbon - BUNDLE

Red Ribbon - BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of Red Ribbon. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms and schools! his resource facilitates open discussions with children about drugs, answering their questions and promoting awareness of the dangers involved. The activities are designed to engage children in age-appropriate discussions and foster their understanding of drug use in relation to self-love, self-respect, decision-making, and self-esteem. Children will have the opportunity to write a heartfelt message to their future selves, encouraging them to treasure it. This activity holds great importance as they can revisit the message in the future and recognize its significance, even potentially saving their lives one day. The necklace is a fantastic addition that fills children with pride as they proudly wear the red ribbon at school or home. Importantly, the necklace helps them grasp the true significance of this remarkable and significant event in their lives. For optimal results, print the necklace on cardstock and consider laminating it if time permits. Cut along the edges, punch a single hole at the top of the ribbon, and use yarn or string as a necklace to hold their Red Ribbon Symbol. The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: Page 1: Red Ribbon - Necklace - (English and Spanish Version) Page 2: I Love My Body - (English and Spanish Version) Page 3: I Take Care of Myself - (English and Spanish Version) Page 4: I Believe in Myself - (English and Spanish Version) Page 5: Message to My Future Me - (English and Spanish Version) Happy Red Ribbon WeeK!
Listón Rojo (Red Ribbon - Spanish Version)

Listón Rojo (Red Ribbon - Spanish Version)

Este recurso facilita el debate abierto con los niños sobre las drogas, respondiendo a sus preguntas y fomentando la concienciación sobre los peligros que conllevan. Las actividades están diseñadas para que los niños participen en debates adecuados a su edad y fomenten su comprensión del consumo de drogas en relación con el amor propio, el respeto por uno mismo, la toma de decisiones y la autoestima. Los niños tendrán la oportunidad de escribir un sincero mensaje a su yo futuro, animándoles a guardarlo como un tesoro. Esta actividad tiene una gran importancia, ya que pueden volver a leer el mensaje en el futuro y reconocer su importancia, e incluso salvar sus vidas algún día. El collar es un complemento fantástico que llena de orgullo a los niños que lo llevan en la escuela o en casa. Y lo que es más importante, el collar les ayuda a comprender el verdadero significado de este acontecimiento tan importante en sus vidas. Para obtener resultados óptimos, imprime el collar en cartulina y considera la posibilidad de plastificarlo si el tiempo lo permite. Recorta los bordes, haz un único agujero en la parte superior de la cinta y utiliza hilo o cuerda como collar para sujetar su Símbolo de la Cinta Roja. Comienza pronto a desarrollar una conciencia crítica sobre el consumo y el abuso de drogas. Este recurso incluye: Página 1: Listón Rojo - Collar Página 2: Amo Mi Cuerpo Página 3: Cuido de Mi Mismo/a Página 4: Creo en Mi Mismo/a Página 5: Mensaje Para Mi Futuro Yo "---------------------------------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Descarga la Versión en Inglés! ----------------------------------------------------" "---------------------------------------------------- ★ You may like these resources: Listón Rojo (Red Ribbon - Spanish Version) Semana del Listón Rojo Manualidad - Dile NO a las drogas SQA - Listón Rojo (Red Ribbon Week) - FREE Listón Rojo (Red Ribbon) - Presentación PowerPoint ----------------------------------------------------" ¡Feliz Semana del Listón Rojo!
International Peace Day Minibooks and Pennants - Banners BUNDLE

International Peace Day Minibooks and Pennants - Banners BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of the International Peace Day Mini-book and Pennant. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms! This resource is designed to enhance students’ understanding of the skills necessary to live harmoniously in society. It encourages them to acknowledge and explore various aspects of peace within their homes, schools, and the world. This activity is ideal for decorating bulletin boards using captivating pennants featuring the Peace Pledge, fostering class discussions, and fostering a sense of community within the classroom through engaging conversations about peace. It is a straightforward activity to implement and provides an excellent opportunity to teach children that peace begins from within themselves. The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: International Peace Day Minibook (16 half pages in English and Spanish Versions) Peace Pledge Pennant - Banner (2 pages in English and Spanish Versions) Happy International Peace Day!
Día Internacional de la Paz Minilibro y Banderín - (SPANISH VERSION)

Día Internacional de la Paz Minilibro y Banderín - (SPANISH VERSION)

Este recurso está diseñado para mejorar la comprensión de los estudiantes en las habilidades necesarias para vivir con armonía en la sociedad. Les anima a reconocer y explorar diversos aspectos de la paz en sus hogares, escuelas y en el mundo. Esta actividad es ideal para decorar las clases o pasillos con hermosos banderines de la Promesa de Paz, fomentar los debates en clase y crear un sentimiento de comunidad en el aula a través de interesantes conversaciones sobre la paz. Se trata de una actividad sencilla de utilizar y ofrece una excelente oportunidad para enseñar a los niños que la paz empieza en ellos mismos. Este recurso incluye: Día Internacional de la Paz - Minilibro** (8 medias páginas)** Banderín Mi Promesa de Paz "----------------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Descarga la versión en Inglés! ------------------------------------" "----------------------------------- ★ Download More Versions: Día Internacional de la Paz Mini-Libro y Banderín Día Internacional de la Paz - Presentación Power Point Día Internacional de la Paz - Manualidad de la Paloma de la Paz "-----------------------------------
My Strengths and Weaknesses - Apple Books BUNDLE

My Strengths and Weaknesses - Apple Books BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of My Strengths and Weaknesses - Apple Book. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms and schools! Help your students in celebrating their strengths and developing a greater awareness of their weaknesses, fostering acceptance, understanding, and personal growth. This resource provides an invaluable opportunity for your students to explore their own identities. When children are able to recognize and appreciate their strengths, it serves as a catalyst for their growth and enables them to achieve even greater accomplishments. Additionally, this activity offers your children a clearer understanding of the factors that may impede their progress. Armed with this knowledge, they can then proactively seek ways to navigate around their weaknesses and prevent them from holding them back. Add a touch of beauty to your classroom, hallways, or home by decorating them with these exquisite apples. Simply print, cut, and securely attach the leaf using a staple. The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: My Strengths and Weaknesses - Apple Book in black and white (six half pages) Mis Fortalezas y Debilidades - Libro de la Manzana en blanco y negro (6 medias páginas) Happy Apple Day!
My Strengths and Weaknesses - Apple Book

My Strengths and Weaknesses - Apple Book

Help your students in celebrating their strengths and developing a greater awareness of their weaknesses, fostering acceptance, understanding, and personal growth. This resource provides an invaluable opportunity for your students to explore their own identities. When children are able to recognize and appreciate their strengths, it serves as a catalyst for their growth and enables them to achieve even greater accomplishments. Additionally, this activity offers your children a clearer understanding of the factors that may impede their progress. Armed with this knowledge, they can then proactively seek ways to navigate around their weaknesses and prevent them from holding them back. Add a touch of beauty to your classroom, hallways, or home by decorating them with these exquisite apples. Simply print, cut, and securely attach the leaf using a staple. This resource includes: My Strengths and Weaknesses - Apple Book in black and white (six half pages) "------------------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Download the Spanish Version! -------------------------------------" Happy Apple Day!
Growth Mindset | "Trick or Three" Halloween Mini Book

Growth Mindset | "Trick or Three" Halloween Mini Book

Ignite a unique Halloween celebration while empowering your students to transition from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset! Guide your students to develop a deep awareness of their abilities, attitudes, challenges, and responsibilities in both learning and life. Encourage them to recognize and appreciate the progress they’re making, reinforcing their confidence in the connection between effort and success. The power of the number three lies in its ability to inspire your kids to reflect on their thoughts and attitudes. Instead of collecting candies, they’ll be collecting wisdom. This resource is an absolute gem for introducing and fostering a growth mindset within the classroom, especially during Halloween celebrations. Motivate your students to share their mini books and responses with their families for additional reinforcement. This resource includes: A Growth mindset -Trick or “Three” Halloween Mini-Book in black and white 12 half pages. A Halloween award/certificate placed at the end of the mini-book in color and black and white “one-half page in color”. "------------------------------- ★Related Resources: Download the Spanish Version! -------------------------------" "------------------------------ ★ You may like these Halloween resources: Growth Mindset - Trick or “Three” Halloween Mini-Book Halloween - Pennant / Banner - Version 1 Ghost Halloween - Pennant / Banner - Version 2 Witch Halloween - Pennant / Banner - Version 3 Pumpkin Halloween Main Facts Monster Stick Puppets I AM… Positive Affirmations - Pumpkin Acrostic Welcome October - Monthly Activity -------------------------------" Enjoy the benefits of fostering a growth mindset culture in your classroom!
Mentalidad de Crecimiento - "Trick or “Three” Halloween Minilibro (SPANISH VERSION)

Mentalidad de Crecimiento - "Trick or “Three” Halloween Minilibro (SPANISH VERSION)

Organiza una celebración de Halloween única mientras ayuda a tus estudiantes a pasar de una mentalidad fija a una mentalidad de crecimiento. Guía a tus niños para que desarrollen una profunda conciencia de sus capacidades, actitudes, retos y responsabilidades tanto en el aprendizaje como en la vida. Anímales a reconocer y apreciar los progresos que están haciendo, reforzando su confianza en la conexión entre esfuerzo y éxito. El poder del número tres reside en su capacidad para inspirar a tus estudiantes a reflexionar sobre sus pensamientos y actitudes. En lugar de coleccionar caramelos, coleccionarán sabiduría. Este recurso es una joya absoluta para introducir y fomentar una mentalidad de crecimiento en clase mientras celebras Halloween. Motiva a tus estudiantes para que compartan sus mini libros y respuestas con sus familias como refuerzo adicional. El recurso contiene: Mentalidad de crecimiento -Trick or “Treat” Halloween Minilibro en blanco y negro (12 medias páginas). Un certificado a color, ubicado al final del minilibro. "---------------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Descarga la versión en Inglés! -----------------------------------" "---------------------------------- ★ Recursos de Halloween que te van a encantar: Halloween - Banderín Versión 1 - Fantasma Halloween - Banderín - Versión 2 - Bruja Halloween - Banderín Versión 3 - Calabaza Halloween - Datos Principales Mentalidad de Crecimiento -Trick or “Three” Halloween Minilibro Monster Stick Puppets YO SOY… Afirmaciones Positivas - Acróstico Calabaza Welcome October - Monthly Activity ----------------------------------" ¡Disfruta de los beneficios de fomentar una cultura de mentalidad de crecimiento en tu clase!
Growth Mindset - Trick or “Three” Halloween Mini-Books BUNDLE

Growth Mindset - Trick or “Three” Halloween Mini-Books BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of Growth Mindset Trick or “Three” Halloween Mini Book. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms! Celebrate Halloween creatively and help your students move from a fixed to a growth mindset! Guide your students to develop a deep awareness of their abilities, attitudes, challenges, and responsibilities in both learning and life. Encourage them to recognize and appreciate the progress they’re making, reinforcing their confidence in the connection between effort and success. The power of the number three lies in its ability to inspire your kids to reflect on their thoughts and attitudes. Instead of collecting candies, they’ll be collecting wisdom. This resource is an absolute gem for introducing and fostering a growth mindset within the classroom, especially during Halloween celebrations. Motivate your students to share their mini books and responses with their families for additional reinforcement. The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes (24 half pages) in total: A Growth mindset -Trick or “Three” Halloween Mini-Book in black and white (12 half pages). A Halloween award/certificate placed at the end of the mini-book in color and black and white “just one-half page in color”. Mentalidad de crecimiento -Trick or “Treat” Halloween Minilibro en blanco y negro 12 medias páginas). Un certificado a color, ubicado al final del minilibro. Enjoy the benefits of fostering a growth mindset culture in your class!
Santa Claus Craft - Generosity

Santa Claus Craft - Generosity

Children adore Santa, who consistently brings treats, presents, joy, and valuable lessons, particularly about GENEROSITY. This resource is ideal for teaching your kids the significance of being generous and never hesitating to spread joy to others. This resource teaches our kids that Christmas is an opportune moment to receive gifts from Santa, parents, and friends is wonderful, but also that giving fosters happiness and allows them to experience the joy of helping and giving to others. Students engage in coloring, decorating, cutting, and assembling the craft. Children have the opportunity to write and draw about their acts of generosity. This charming Santa Claus craft looks adorable when displayed in your classroom or on your students’ refrigerators at home! This resource includes: Santa Claus Craft "------------------------------ ★ Related Resources: Download the Spanish Version ------------------------------" "------------------------------ ★ You may like these Xmas resource: Growth Mindset - Santa’s Christmas Gifts ------------------------------" Happy Christmas!
Growth Mindset - Santa’s Christmas Gifts

Growth Mindset - Santa’s Christmas Gifts

Get ready to celebrate Christmas with a creative twist! This amazing resource invites Santa to deliver unique and special gifts to our students, including optimism, perseverance, mastery, strength, motivation, confidence, intelligence, the power of “yet,” and self-esteem. These are truly gifts worth cherishing! The letter to Santa serves as a valuable tool for students to reflect on their mindset and identify areas for improvement. Immerse your class in the spirit of a growth mindset with this mini book, making it the perfect activity for December. This resource includes: A Growth Mindset - Santa’s Christmas Gifts Minibook, in black and white (10 half pages) BONUS - A Growth Mindset Letter to Santa, in black and white (1 page) Remember: Students can color to personalize their mini-books. Encourage your students to read their books/responses to their families for reinforcement. Great conversation starter for families as well! "-------------------------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Download the Spanish Version! --------------------------------------------" "-------------------------------------------- ★ You may like this resource: Santa Claus Craft - Generosity --------------------------------------------" Enjoy the benefits of fostering a growth mindset culture in your classroom!
Mentalidad de Crecimiento - Regalos de Navidad de Papá Noel - Minilibro - (SPANISH VERSION)

Mentalidad de Crecimiento - Regalos de Navidad de Papá Noel - Minilibro - (SPANISH VERSION)

¡Prepárate para celebrar la Navidad con un toque creativo! Este fantástico recurso invita a Papá Noel a entregar regalos únicos y especiales a los estudiantes: optimismo, perseverancia, dominio, fuerza, motivación, confianza, inteligencia, el poder del “todavía” y autoestima. Son regalos que merecen la pena. La carta a Papá Noel es una valiosa herramienta para que los estudiantes reflexionen sobre su mentalidad e identifiquen áreas de mejora. Sumerge a tu clase en el espíritu de la mentalidad de crecimiento con este mini libro, convirtiéndolo en la actividad perfecta para diciembre. Este recurso incluye: Minilibro Mentalidad de crecimiento - Regalos de Navidad de Papá Noel en blanco y negro (10 medias páginas) BONUS - Carta a Papá Noel en blanco y negro (1 página) Recuerda: Los estudiantes pueden colorear para personalizar sus minilibros. Motive a sus alumnos a leer sus folletos / respuestas a sus familias para reforzarlos. Es una gran actividad para comenzar y fomentar la conversación familiar! "-------------------------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Descarga la versión en Inglés! --------------------------------------------" ¡Disfruta de los beneficios de fomentar una cultura de mentalidad de crecimiento en tu clase!
Growth Mindset - Santa’s Christmas Gifts Mini-Books BUNDLE

Growth Mindset - Santa’s Christmas Gifts Mini-Books BUNDLE

2 Resources
This bundle includes an English and Spanish version of Growth Mindset - Santa’s Christmas Gifts Mini-Book. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms. Get ready to celebrate Christmas with a creative twist! This amazing resource invites Santa to deliver unique and special gifts to our students, including optimism, perseverance, mastery, strength, motivation, confidence, intelligence, the power of “yet,” and self-esteem. These are truly gifts worth cherishing! The letter to Santa serves as a valuable tool for students to reflect on their mindset and identify areas for improvement. The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: Growth Mindset - Santa’s Christmas Gifts Minibooks, in black and white - 10 half pages (English and Spanish Version). BONUS - Growth Mindset Letters to Santa, in black and white - 1 page (English and Spanish Version). Enjoy the benefits of developing a growth mindset culture in your class!
Mentalidad de Crecimiento | Mis Propósitos para el Año Nuevo Mini libro

Mentalidad de Crecimiento | Mis Propósitos para el Año Nuevo Mini libro

Este recurso incluye los principios fundamentales de la Mentalidad de Crecimiento (Growth Mindset) y tiene como objetivo ayudar a tus estudiantes a sentirse Este recurso presenta los principios clave de la mentalidad de crecimiento y busca inspirar y motivar a los estudiantes para el próximo curso. Anima a tus estudiantes a compartir sus libros/respuestas con sus familias para reforzar los conceptos. También sirve para iniciar una conversación con las familias. Los niños pueden personalizar sus minilibros coloreándolos. Beneficios: Establecer objetivos: Este recurso permite a los estudiantes fijar objetivos y centrarse en cómo pueden introducir cambios positivos en sus vidas para el nuevo año. Autorreflexión: Los niños aprenden a contemplar dónde quieren estar, en quién aspiran a convertirse y qué quieren conseguir. Orientación de apoyo: Los maestros y los padres son conscientes de los objetivos y pueden animar a sus niños a alcanzar sus propósitos ofreciéndoles orientación a lo largo de su camino. Pensamiento crítico: Los estudiantes realizarán ejercicios de pensamiento crítico mientras trabajan con este recurso. Este recurso incluye: Un Mini Libro de la Mentalidad de Crecimiento | Mis Propósitos para el Nuevo Año (12 medias páginas). "-------------------------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Descarga la versión en Inglés! --------------------------------------------" ¡Feliz Año!